Ashland County (WI)
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Ashland and Bayfield county 911 centers are now merged into one facility.
Unit Numbers
Law Enforcement
- 16-x's - Mellen PD (Discontinued since April 2024)
- 100's - Ashland PD
- 200's - Bayfield County Sheriff
- 500's - Price County Sheriff
- 600's - Ashland County Sheriff
- 699 - Animal Control
- 700's & 7700's - Wisconsin State Patrol
- 800's - Bad River Tribal PD (discontinued since 2015)
- 2600's - Iron County Sheriff
- DC-x's - Ashland County Coroner
- LA-x's - La Pointe PD
- GL-xx's - Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission
- C-xxx's - Wisconsin DNR Conservation Warden
- J-xxx's - Wisconsin Department of Justice
- Forest xxx's - US Forest Service
- Delta-xx's - ???
The analog Sheriff repeaters (PL 107.2) are still active, but remain unused and disconnected from dispatch. Radio ID's don't always match unit numbers. Dispatch is encryption capable, some deputies are encrypted mobile, portable, or both. State agencies are encryption capable, federal agencies are typically encrypted.
In the event the Sheriff repeaters go down for maintenance or unforseen circumstances, communications move over to ALFIRE (known as Local Government or LG internally).
Ashland PD's analog tower is clear, they only use the county system for mutual aid with few exceptions.
- 133 - Park Falls Ambulance
- 242 - Glidden Ambulance
- 509 - Madeline Island Ambulance
Ashland Fire Department
- Car 1 - Incident Command vehicle
- Med 2 - ALS Intercept vehicle
- Med 3 - Ambulance
- Med 4 - Type I transfer ambulance
- Med 5 - Ambulance
- Med 6 - Secondary 911 ambulance
- Med 7 - 4x4 Type I transfer ambulance
- Med 8 - Primary 911 ambulance
- Engine 1
- Engine 2
- Engine 3
- Tower 11 - 100 ft platform
- Tanker 5 - 4000 gallon tanker
- Brush 9 - Wildland fire pickup. Used to tow ATV/snowmobile trailer, HAZMAT trailer, and Ice Angel. Also has snowplow for winter use.
Mellen Fire and Rescue
- Mellen Base - Fire Hall
- Mellen 1 - Fire Truck
- Mellen 4 - Ambulance
- Mellen 5 - Ambulance
- Mellen 6 - Ambulance
- Mellen Tanker - Tanker
Forestry Dept
- 600's - ?
- 6xxA's - ?
Pager Tones
- Timing is standard A/B 1 sec/3 sec
- Pages are sent twice, one on each tower listed or twice on the same tower if only one listed
- AFD has their own frequency that they are paged and respond on
Ashland Fire Department - All Call/Callback (Ashland) 928.1 600.9 Ashland Fire Department - Ambulance (Ashland) 1092.4 1472.9 Ashland Fire Department - Fire (Ashland) 313.8 1642.0 Butternut Fire (South) 553.9 1122.5 Bad River Fire/First Responders (East) 433.7 1989.1 Mellen Fire (North) 669.9 746.8 Mellen EMS (North) 928.1 669.9 Marengo Fire (North/West) 746.8 569.1 Marengo EMS (North/West) 517.5 1006.9 Glidden Fire (North/South) 553.9 330.5 Glidden EMS (North/South) 330.5 321.7 Madeline Island Fire (Island) Madeline Island EMS (Island) DNR Park Falls - Park Falls Wildfire (South) 426.6 584.8 DNR Park Falls - Mellen Wildfire (North) 321.7 562.3 USFS Wildfire Service - Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest (North 1x only) 422.1 349.0 North Coroner (1x only) South Coroner (1x only) 433.7 321.7 Juvenile Intake (1x only)
P25 Radio ID's
WISCOM (Wisconsin Trunked System)/Conventional Radio ID's: 22510 ALSCAN (traffic only when aff'd) 1 Misprogrammed Radios (La Pointe & Mellen PDs, ALCO Coroner, Radio Techs) 9999 Ashland PD Squad 80001 Radio Tech 99999 Ashland County Conventional PSAP (BASO Facility) 131904 ALSO 653 230000 Ashland County WISCOM PSAP 230400 Ashland County Conventional PSAP (ALSO Facility, no longer in active use) 200500 Ashland County Sheriff's Office Bases 2006XX Ashland County Sheriff's Office Squads 2106XX Ashland County Sheriff Portables 2023XX Ashland PD Squads 2121XX Ashland PD Portables 200004 Mellen PD Squad (now ALSO 639) 212161 Mellen PD Portable 212163 Mellen PD Portable 204503 La Pointe PD 2051XX Ashland EMS 208501 La Pointe PD 26XXXXX Iron County Sheriff's Office 51XXXXX Price County Sheriff's Office 5139281 ??? (Identifies as Delta-17, conventional) 74XXXXX Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission 81007XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81077XX Wisconsin State Patrol EF Johnson VM900 squad radios 81107XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81177XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81207XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios 81277XX Wisconsin State Patrol Kenwood TK-5710 squad radios 81607XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 81677XX Wisconsin State Patrol portables 82XXXXX Wisconsin DNR 8630201 Memorial Medical Center - Ashland 9300032 ??? (Identifies as Delta-17, WISCOM) 9401XXX National Park Service 9404XXX National Park Service 9409XXX US Forest Service 9411XXX National Park Service? 9414XXX National Park Service 9901110 National Weather Service-Duluth Weather Forecasting Office ??????? Bad River Tribal PD ??????? David R. Obey Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center (NPS/USFS/USFWS joint facility) ??????? National Park Service-Stockton Island Ranger Station/Visitor Center ??????? United States Coast Guard ??????? Wisconsin DNR Big Bay State Park Office ??????? Wisconsin DNR Copper Falls State Park Office ??????? Wisconsin DNR Mellen Ranger Station GLIFWC also operates on the following MPSCS (Michigan Trunked System) talkgroups: 6218 GLIFWC1 6219 GLIFWC2
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